Wir sind das BinG!-Team
As a non-profit organisation, BinG! relies on many helping hands. You can get in touch with our active members here. For enquiries to the board, please contact vorstand(at)barbershop.de. For general enquiries, please contact the office:
BinG! Barbershop in Germany e. V.
Saarlandstr. 124a
44139 Dortmund
Email: kontakt(at)barbershop.de
Phone: +49 231 22204262
Mobil: +49 163 8096994

Birgitta Bender
- Office management -
Email: birgitta.bender(at)barbershop.de
Main focus of work:
Management of the office in Dortmund. Contact person for questions about the association, membership and everything else.

Management Board
The following persons were elected to the Management Board at the General Meeting on 18 June 2023:
Julia Moldenhauer as 1st Chairwoman - Email: julia.moldenhauer(at)barbershop.de
Dr. Julia Stötzel as Chief Financial Officer- Email: julia.stoetzel(at)barbershop.de
Almut Schmitz zur Managing Director- Email: almut.schmitz(at)barbershop.de
Daniel Caesar as Vice Chairman - Email: daniel.caesar(at)barbershop.de
Norbert Hammes as Vice Chairman - Email: norbert.hammes(at)barbershop.de
Email: vorstand(at)barbershop.de
Topic-specific teams
We have project teams for our events. For certain topics, we have teams that work together on a permanent basis.
Harmony College Team

Every year, the BinG! Harmony College requires a great deal of organisation, time and expertise. Fortunately, there are always dedicated and eager helpers who ensure a structured concept, detailed preparation and smooth organisation.
Email: harmony-college(at)barbershop.de
Diversity and Inclusion
BinG! stands for diversity. We want everyone to feel welcome and valued at BinG! and, of course, in all the ensembles that are part of BinG! The "Diversity and Inclusion" team is looking for opportunities and ways to make this more and more successful.
Email: vielfalt(at)barbershop.de
Find out more on the team page.
Topic-specific contact persons and teams
We have different contacts for different areas of the association's work:

Almut Schmitz
- Sheet music and rights -
Emai: kontakt(at)barbershop.de
Focus of work:
Sheet music rights, GEMA

Danny Wohlbrück
- Harmony College -
Emai: harmony-college(at)barbershop.de
Focus of work:
Leadership of the Harmony College.

Semhar Kinne
- Coachingtour-Coordinator-
Email: coaching-tour(at)barbershop.de
Focus of work:
Coordination of official BinG! coaching tours and distribution of information on private coaching tours within the association.

Birgit Kayser
- Polecatprogram -
Focus of work:
Organisation and coordination for the promotion and publication of German polecats, creation of a common repertoire for all BinG! ensembles.

Alexander Koller
- Coaching Certification Program -
Email: ccp(at)barbershop.de
Focus of work:
Coordination of the Coaching Certification Program.

Silke Rusch
- Chorus-Leadership-Coaching -
Email: leadership-coaching(at)barbershop.de
Focus of work:
Responsible for the Leadership Coaching Program.

Silke Ostendarp
- Chorus conducting promotion -
Email: directors-edu(at)barbershop.de
Focus of work:
Development of German chorus directors.

Dr. Thomas Wardin
- Website -
Email: thomas.wardin(at)barbershop.de
Focus of work:
Technical design of the website.

Alexandra Terhoff
- Website -
Email: alexandra.terhoff(at)barbershop.de
Focus of work:
Website text and layout