About us

What´s BinG! all about?
BinG! Barbershop in Germany e. V. is the German specialist association for barbershop singing - an a cappella music style. We are a nationwide, highly specialized association for all choruses and quartets dedicated to barbershop singing.
In particular, we are committed to spreading the word about our passion for barbershop music and getting as many people as possible excited about this great hobby and singing together.
We are the cradle of mixed barbershop
As the first barbershop association worldwide we founded ourselves as a (gendered) mixed association and also mixed choirs and quartets took part in our competitions . In other countries there is a strict separation: men's and women's ensembles compete in their own association and their own competition.
About BinG!
With numerous events and activities, the association contributes to improving the exchange of experience and knowledge, which has led to a significant increase in the quality of our ensembles - certainly one of the reasons why barbershop music is becoming more and more popular in the German a cappella scene.
BinG! in numbers
Our nationwide association currently consists of:
41 quartets
22 choirs
approx. 800 individuals
a motivated management board
a permanent branch office management
many committed people!!