

We are BinG!

Our nationwide association consists of about 45 quartets and 25 choirs, which are dedicated to barbershop singing. Our ensembles are in regular exchange, develop constantly and compete every 2 years.

With our medalist chorus Heavy Medal we represent the mixed barbershop singing at home and abroad.

We support our youth in our BinG! youth choir.

BinG! Youth Chorus

The BinG! Youth Chorus, founded in 2019, meets regularly for concerts. It is for all who are between 16 and 30 years old and have some barbershop experience. This way we support our own youth in the areas of singing, conducting, choreography, leadership etc. A website is under construction!

Heavy Medal Chorus

Our medalist chorus Heavy Medal represents our association nationally and worldwide. This chorus is recruited from singers who have sung a medal with their respective quartet in a competition organized by BinG! Here is an overview of the current quartets

BinG! Arrangers

BinG! promotes its own arrangers and offers you the possibility to choose from a variety of talented musicians to buy or arrange arrangements for you (the ensemble)!

BinG! Coaches

On the following pages you will find coaches who are trained within the Coaching Certification Program or whom we recommend due to their outstanding quality.


In this rather new team we are currently developing ways of training our own directors and how we can promote new directors. To this end, we want to develop our own ideas, but also integrate experiences and initiatives that already exist in BinG! member groups.


News from BinG!

BMW Amateurmusikfonds A Cappella Company Dachau   

A Cappella Company fördert deutschsprachige Barbershop-Musik und erhält Förderung aus dem Amateurmusikfonds

October, 2024: A Cappella Company, Dachau's first women’s barbershop choir, has launched an innovative project to advance the spread of German-language barbershop music.

Beitrag vom: 24/10/24

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40 Jahre Barbershop Blend ! 40 Jahre Gerda Rabsahl !

1984 - 2024 : Barbershop Blend, the oldest barbershop chorus in Germany celebrates its 40th birthday. It was simply a wonderful anniversary party at our old venue in the Sonsbeck Kastell.

Beitrag vom: 03/07/24

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BinG! Projektchor 2024   

BING! Projektchor 2024 in Dortmund und Umgebung

Attention a cappella fans: you can try it out here

Beitrag vom: 22/01/24

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What a wonderful World - gemeinsames Konzert von MissHarmony und Düssharmonie am 25.11. in Düsseldorf

A sold-out house and a great atmosphere - it really was a brilliant evening for the barbershop singers from "Düssharmonie" and "MissHarmony". The highlight was the song they performed together - also the motto of the concert - "What a wonderful world".

Beitrag vom: 13/12/23

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Barberellas suchen neue Chorleitung!

The Barberellas are looking for a new musical director with immediate effect.

At the Barbershop Music Festival many got to know our wonderful musical director Sebastian Dahmen, who unfortunately had to quit due to relocation and private reasons.

Beitrag vom: 28/09/23

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Quattro Voci Männer A-cappella Quartett aus der Kölner Bucht sucht neuen Basssänger

Quattro Voci

Men a cappella quartet from the Cologne Bay

We are looking for a new bass singer!

Do you suit us? Do we suit you? A perfect match? 

Give it a try!

Helmut Alba

mobile: +49 171 6928899


Beitrag vom: 05/07/23

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Tolles Konzert mit "Träne im Knopfloch"

What a breathtaking evening: On January 8, the EKBC was finally able to once again thrill the audience in the sold-out Senftöpfchen!

Beitrag vom: 21/01/23

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