No Limits

Female quartet from Bremen, Meckenheim, Schwerte,Neuenrade - established 2023

Katrin, Mira, Martina and Susi are a female quartet from Bremen, Meckenheim, Affeln, and Ergste.

Didn’t search for but found each other at No Borders Show Chorus, our common unlimited chorus in the Netherlands.

Starting out as a „nonsense-quartet“ at a chorus retreat-weekend, later participating as a project-quartet at the European Quartet School in early 2023. We quickly realized that our voices were a perfect match, that we love performing together and that we simply feel good with each other. Thus, we are planning on staying together which we confirmed by registering with BinG in March 2023.

We are in it with our minds, hearts and all other organs, when we meet once a month for our intensive, nearly unlimited singing-sessions. We keep working passionately at creating new pieces, while regularly being moved by goosebump-moments, and we have plenty of crazy ideas that will probably last for an unlimited amount of quartet-lives.

Who we are

Gierse Martina
Kurz Katrin
Wulf Susanne
Marquis Mira

Where to find us