Harmony College: Programm, Kurse, Fakten
Passion! Power! Performance!w
Mit Leidenschaft und Power entwickeln und stärken wir gemeinsam unsere Performance Skills.
Doch auch Singing, Music und jede Menge Spaß kommen garantiert nicht zu kurz.
1984 - 2024 : Barbershop Blend, the oldest barbershop chorus in Germany celebrates its 40th birthday. It was simply a wonderful anniversary party at our old venue in the Sonsbeck Kastell. Great guests such as the Cologne EKBC and Ladies First from Dortmund honored us with their great performances and heartfelt congratulations. Thank you again, dear ladies and "boys" for your friendly gestures.
We are particularly pleased to have the longest reigning female barbershopper in Germany in our ranks:
Gerda Rabsahl, the only founding member of Barbershop Blend who is still active. She was especially honored on this evening for her 40 years of membership and her tireless commitment.
In 1984, she was asked by the then choir founder and conductor Liz Döhring whether she would be interested in founding a barbershop choir with her. Gerda happily agreed and this has resulted in 40 years of musical commitment. She has been involved with the chorus in many ways: as a tenor section leader, in various roles on the board and as a helper to support BinG at various conventions. In addition to the two quartets Sunstream and Heartbeat, she was also part of the very successful quartet GMBH (Gerda Rabsahl, Marlies Gräwe, Brigitte Blindenbacher and Hanne Kanthak) from 2004 to 2011 and sang on many German stages.
We are very proud to have such a dedicated and inspiring singer with us.
Thank you dear Gerda for your loyalty and your tireless efforts
Passion! Power! Performance!w
Mit Leidenschaft und Power entwickeln und stärken wir gemeinsam unsere Performance Skills.
Doch auch Singing, Music und jede Menge Spaß kommen garantiert nicht zu kurz.
Unsere eigenen BinG! Talente zu fördern, BinG! Quartette und Chöre sowie BinG! als Verband weiterzuentwickeln liegt uns am Herzen. "Wir", das sind der Vorstand, das Education Team & das Harmony College Team und wir freuen uns sehr darüber, im diesjährigen Harmony College erstmalig ein Coaching Apprentice Program (CAP) anbieten zu können.
Frauenchor - Männerchor - Youth Chorus: Für jeden ist etwas dabei, und die Chorleitung mit Spitzencoaches lässt wieder große Erlebnisse für Teilnehmer und Publikum erwarten.
The Barbershop Music Festival inspired guests from near and far in Munich. 3 days of pure musical and optical fireworks, just like the motto "Pure A Cappella - Pure Power".
More information can be found here.
In response to popular demand, we have now published the regulations for the competitions conducted by BinG! We have also begun to make available the results of our past quartet and chorus competitions - both nationally and internationally. The collection here will of course be contually expanded.