See and hear Germany's best barbershop choruses and quartets
at the German Barbershop Championships
as well as in two evening shows with international top acts!
The Barbershop Music Festival 2023 is all about love - the love of music, the love of brilliant entertainment and the love of creating a fantastic and impressive time for you. Join us on a journey and feel the fire that burns in about 400 passionate singers.
This is a cappella music that touches the heart! Look forward to incredible vocal volume, breathtaking emotional climaxes and thrilling performances!
International Top-Acts at friday and saturday evening shows with:
Festival program at a glance
5 PM - 6:30 PM Experimenal Stage
Orchesterzentrum Dortmund
6:45 PM - 7:30 PM Speed Coaching
for choruses of the Experimental Stage
from 7:30 PM
Get Together
for participants, family and friends
3 PM - 7 PM
German Quartet Championship
Konzerthaus Dortmund
Admission: 2:30 PM
8:30 PM
Show of the Stars
Konzerthaus Dortmund
Admission: 8 PM
9:15 AM - 10:40 AM
Evaluation & Power Coaching
for competing quartets
Orchesterzentrum Dortmund
1 PM - 6:00 PM
German Chorus Championship
Konzerthaus Dortmund
Admission: 0:30 PM
8 PM
Show of the Champions
Konzerthaus Dortmund
Admission: 7:30 PM
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Evaluation
for competing choruses
Orchesterzentrum Dortmund
10:00 - 11:15 AM Directors exchange of expertise
Hotel Esplande
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Chorus Coaching under Glass
Orchesterzentrum Dortmund
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Farewell ceremony
Orchesterzentrum Dortmund
1. Program:
2. Festival Poster (one-pager, german): HIER
3. Festival Flyer (two-pager, german): HIER
4. Festival Flyer (two-pager, english): HIER
More event information
All information about registration and the registration process can be found here. We kindly ask you to register as soon as possible - this makes organization much easier for us. Thank you very much!
Tickets & Program
Enjoy the Show of stars, Show of champions - or are you interested in who will make the race at the German Championships for quartets and choruses? All Tickets are available here:

Your relatives and friends can't be there for the event? Then let them participate via livestream! Register now and log in when contests and shows start.
Contest Rules & Qualification
Results of the Coesfeld Cup 2022 and overview of the quartets qualified
for BMF 2023.
About Barbershop Music Festival 2023
"A Cappella Love" is the motto under which from May 18 through 21, 2023 about 400 singers from all over Germany and the world will meet again in Konzerthaus Dortmund. Together, these are over 40 choruses and quartets, which put the hall in very special vibrations during this weekend.
Experience the German championships for Barbershop choruses and Barbershop quartets or let yourself be carried away in the evening gala shows on Friday and Saturday. Exhilarating performances and the 4-part a cappella sound of barbershop harmony singing are waiting for you.
Be there when A Cappella hearts beat faster.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
4 days of a cappella music festival in Dortmund with:
gigantic voices
pure emotions
experimental stage
German Quartet Championship
German Chorus Championship
Two gala shows on Friday and Saturday evening
BinG! Barbershop in Germany e. V.
Hohe Straße 61 a
44139 Dortmund, Germany
Phone: +49 231 22 20 42 62