Event-Team of Barbershop Music Festival 2023
Maximilian Hilz
Barbershop in Deutschland e.V.
Verträge, Sponsoring
Silke Ostendarp
Barbershop in Deutschland e.V.
Ticketing, Jury, Gastensembles
Werden Sie Teil
unseres teams!
Sorgen Sie dafür, dass alles reibungslos läuft,
den künstlern den rücken freihalten, den livestream überwachen,
hilfe beim auf-/abbau, tickets scannen oder gäste willkommen heißen.
Wir brauchen viele helfende Hände
während dieses festivalwochenendes.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie Friedel und Birgitta per E-Mail:
Julia Moldenhauer
Barbershop in Deutschland e.V.
Schatzmeister; Organisation Get Together
Birgitta Bender
Friedel Petring
Hostessen/Helfer Koordination
Franziska Dickhut
Hotelorganisation für Teilnehmer
Stephan Ahrends
Technische Koordination
Matthias Kriegesmann
Technische Koordination
Natalie Nickel
Marketing & PR
Mira Taferner
Mareike Meise
Erste Timer Koordination
Alexander Schuh
Georg Richardsen
Abour Barbershop Musikfestival 2023
"A Cappella Love" is the motto under which from May 18 through 21, 2023 about 400 singers from all over Germany and the world will meet again in Konzerthaus Dortmund. Together, these are over 40 choruses and quartets, which put the hall in very special vibrations during this weekend.
Experience the German championships for Barbershop choruses and Barbershop quartets or let yourself be carried away in the evening gala shows on Friday and Saturday. Exhilarating performances and the 4-part a cappella sound of barbershop harmony singing are waiting for you.
Be there when A Cappella hearts beat faster.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Wichtige Fakten
4 days of a cappella music festival in Dortmund with:
gigantic voices
pure emotions
experimental stage
German Quartet Championship
German Chorus Championship
Two gala shows on Friday and Saturday evening
BinG! Barbershop in Germany e. V.
Hohe Straße 61 a
44139 Dortmund, Germany
Phone: +49 231 22 20 42 62
Web: www.barbershop.de
Email: kontakt@barbershop.de